a nose ahead.

We have the nose for Innovation.

With smartflyer, you are a nose ahead.

Setting course for the future: smartflyer stands for the departure to new horizons. The electrically powered SF1 combines Swiss precision with pioneering energy efficiency. With smartflyer, it's time to say goodbye to the familiar. Proving that you have the right nose for the world of tomorrow. A world in which a quiet, cost-efficient and flexible flying experience becomes the standard. Why commit to one energy source? Whether pure battery operation or support from the range extender, thanks to the modular design and smart nose of the SF-1, flexibility is the name of the game. Experience the freedom of flying in a new dimension – in a 4-seater whose innovative power is in every detail. A private aircraft designed by and for pioneers.
Discover the SF-1

120 kt / 222 km/h

Cruise Speed

160 kW


400 NM (750 km)

Max. Range 

4 Seats


1400 kg

Take off Mass

4 hours


Ready for boarding?

We cannot predict the future,
but we can invent it.

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